Face masks are an excellent express treatment for your face. Sometimes a good quality mask can replace some professional facials. When it comes to choosing a mask, the main criteria should be your skin type. Mask types can be purifying, brightening, calming, hydrating, soothing, and anti-age. Purifying masks work better with acne-prone skin. They remove oils, clean the skin from bad bacteria, and help to heal blemishes. Try Oceanic Mask by AMI IYÖK. Moisturing masks are important for dry skin. Calming and soothing masks are great products for sensitive skin. Try Vitabrid Dual Soothing & Balancing Mask. You can use them at any age, but for mature skin, it is better to choose special care. They usually include a unique complex of highly effective ingredients that moisturizes, refreshes, strengthens, and regenerates the skin. For example Transformer Instant Renewal Mask.